Q: Why was PdfJoya made? A: Because in 2023 it's still not possible to delete/rotate/merge a page in a PDF under Windows without paying (monthly!!!) and installing some fat bloatware. Q: Why is my Windows and internet browser giving me security warnings when I want to download and run PdfJoya? A: Because Microsoft decided to ask the developers to pay hundreds of $ regularly just to be able to "securely sign" (i.e. "as enforced by Microsoft") a SW product, e.g. PdfJoya. Of course such costs would be forwarded to you, so we decided to kick this policy, giving you just the .exe file as-is, without the MS imposed pricey certificate techniques, which must be paid annually to "Microsoft accepted partner cert issuers". Q: Why is the UI so basic, without whistles and bells, like colors, animations etc.? A: Because this tool is designed only to do what it must do and nothing more, to be able to give it almost for free to you and to make it's usage as easy as possible. Q: Will there be a next version with more fancy functions? A: It depends on the spread - when there is no $ coming from it, the tool stays as-is, as we are quite exhausted with our developer resources. When there is some $ generated, there will be of course a more fancy version - so it depends also on you 😁! Q: Why it's called "PdfJoya"? A: Because our dog Joya was still around with her ball while PdfJoya was coded 😛.